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We are Passionate About Building Skilled Professionals

At our organization (Excel Technical Institute) , we have a deep passion for helping individuals develop the skills they need to excel in their chosen profession. Our goal is to empower people to become skilled professionals who can thrive in the ever-changing job market.

Excel Technical Institute- classroom

Live Classroom Training

We won’t be able to get everything online.

Live classroom training refers to a traditional style of learning where instructors and learners interact face-to-face in a physical classroom. It allows for real-time feedback and personal interaction between learners and instructors, making it an effective mode of education.

Learner’s Community

Group learning will always have a beneficial effect on practical and diversified thoughts.

At Excel Technical Institute, group learning plays a pivotal role in enhancing practical skills and fostering diversified thinking among students. By working together on projects and assignments, students develop a hands-on understanding of real-world scenarios. Courses like Piping Engineering and Piping Draughtsman are designed to include collaborative tasks that mirror industry requirements. This not only prepares students for technical challenges but also equips them to work effectively in team-based environments.

Group learning also promotes the exchange of diverse ideas.

Learner's Community ETI

Each student brings unique experiences and perspectives, which help in approaching technical problems from different angles. This diversity fosters innovation and encourages students to think creatively. When individuals collaborate, they learn to value different viewpoints, which is essential for problem-solving in complex engineering and design tasks.

In addition, group learning builds essential interpersonal skills like teamwork and communication. At Excel, students engage in group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative projects that require them to articulate their ideas and work cohesively. These experiences boost their confidence, helping them develop leadership qualities and prepare for career growth in competitive industries.

Peer learning is another key benefit of group activities. Advanced learners often mentor their peers, sharing their knowledge and insights, while beginners contribute fresh perspectives that challenge conventional thinking. This mutual exchange not only enhances understanding but also creates a supportive learning environment where everyone thrives.

At Excel Technical Institute, we believe group learning goes beyond knowledge sharing. It cultivates a culture of collaboration, innovation, and practical problem-solving, which are critical for success in today’s fast-evolving industries.

Hybrid Learning on the go by ETI

Hybrid Training Model

Offline (Classroom) Online (Live Interactive) Training Methodology

A hybrid training model combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning, providing students with a flexible and personalized educational experience. This approach allows for both synchronous and asynchronous learning, promoting student engagement and self-directed learning.

Excel Technical Institute convocation

Education is in Our Blood

The desire for education runs deep within us, as it is integral to our personal and societal growth. It is a fundamental aspect of human development, passed down through generations, and remains crucial for advancing our knowledge, skills, and perspectives.

Our Instructors

If we are heading in the proper direction, speed makes sense; for that, we need skilled mentors.

Our industry expert instructors are experienced professionals who possess extensive knowledge and skills in their respective fields.


Omkar Parab

Python | SQL | CAD Design


Prathamesh Sawant

Piping Engineering

Shilpa Hande

AutoCAD | Revit

Excel technical Institute

Geeta Padwal

Skill Development Program

Get In Touch with Us

Office Address

Office No 01, Om Sai Building,

Rambhau Mhalgi Rd,

near Mangala High School,

Thane East, Thane 400603

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Thane East, Maharashtra


+91 84 33 55 10 40


+91 900 453 80 70

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Our Placement Partners

We refers to companies or organizations that work with educational institutions to provide job opportunities or internships for students and graduates, helping them to gain valuable work experience and launch their careers.


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