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5th Feb 2025: E3D| Time: 7:30am to 8:30am


15th Feb 2025: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering (100% Job guarantee) | Time: 2pm to 6pm


25 Feb 2025: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering (100% Job garantee) | Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm


5 Feb 2025: Caesar II | Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm


200+ Students Placed Every Year


 Student Name: Jay Padate
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Tata Consulting Engineers Limited
Job Profile: Piping Design Engineer
Salary : 4.5+LPA


Student Name: Mujib Jumma Khan
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Tata Consulting Engineers Limited
Job Profile: Piping Design Engineer
Salary : 4.5+LPA


Student Name: Mohammad Shaikh
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Tata Consulting Engineers Limited
Job Profile: Piping Design Engineer
Salary : 4.5+LPA


Student Name:
Daniel Lawrence Dsouza

Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Company Name: Swegon Blue Box Private limited
Job Profile: Design Engineer
Salary : 3.5+LPA


Student Name: Kaustubh Misal Sunil Misal
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Vedam Design & Technical Consultancy Private Limited
Job Profile: Piping Design Engineer
Salary : 3.2+LPA


Student Name: Kalpesh Sanjay Marathe
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Company Name: Swegon Blue Box Private limited
Job Profile: Design Engineer
Salary : 3.5+LPA


Student Name: Shivam Sachin Vanjari
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Ion Exchange pvt ltd
Job Profile: GET Design
Salary : 3.0+LPA


Student Name: Saurabh Sanjay Shelar
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: Pci Analytics Private Limited
Job Profile: Design Engineer
Salary : 3.1+LPA


Student Name: Omkar Vasant Shirke
Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering
Company Name: P-mech Consultant Private Limited
Job Profile: Piping Engineer (GET)
Salary : 3+LPA

Piping Engineering courses

           Excel Technical Institute is a leading Piping Engineering Institute dedicated to providing comprehensive Piping Engineering Courses designed for aspiring professionals. Our curriculum focuses on advanced software training, including E3D and Caesar II, ensuring students gain hands-on experience with industry-standard tools. We are committed to empowering students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the field of piping engineering. With our expert trainers and practical approach, we proudly offer a 100% Job Guarantee to students who successfully complete our courses, making us a trusted name in career-oriented education. Join Excel Technical Institute and take the first step toward a rewarding career in piping engineering.

Redefine Your Career Path

           At Excel Technical Institute, we take pride in the success of our students who have enrolled in our Piping Design course. Many of our graduates, including those with prior experience, have secured impressive salary packages thanks to the advanced skills and industry knowledge they gained through our program.  With our dedicated placement support and 100% Job Guarantee, we ensure that our students are well-equipped to land rewarding positions with competitive salary packages.

Piping Engineering Placement
Piping Engineering Placement
Piping Placement

Master Piping Engineering with Our Industry-Driven Courses

Piping Enginnering in Thane

100% Job Guarantee

Course Name: Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Engineering

Learning Mode: Online & Offline

Who can do this course: Mechanical (B.E./ B.Tech/ M.E./ M.Tech)

Total Learning Hrs: 200+

Course content:
1. AutoCAD

2. Piping Design

3. Everything 3D


5. Soft Skill Development Program

Piping Draughtsman course in Mumbai

100% Job Guarantee

Course Name: Piping Draughtsman

Learning Mode: Online & Offline

Who can do this course: Mechnical ITI, 12th pass, 10th pass, Graduate

Total Learning Hrs: 110+

Course content:
1. AutoCAD

2. Basics of Piping Design

3. Everything 3D

4. Soft Skill Development Program


Piping Engineering


Get on a call with our counsellor

11 + 1 =

Transforming Futures: Student Testimonials from Excel Technical Institute

           Excel Technical Institute offers top-tier Piping Engineering education, combining expert instruction with hands-on training. Students gain proficiency in industry-leading software like E3D and Caesar II, ensuring they’re equipped for real-world challenges. Our comprehensive curriculum and 100% Job Guarantee make us the ideal choice for those seeking a successful career in Piping Engineering.

     At Excel Technical Institute, we offer industry-focused Piping Engineering courses designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field. Our courses cover key areas such as Piping Design, E3D, Caesar II, and more, ensuring students gain both theoretical and practical expertise. With a strong emphasis on hands-on training, we guarantee that our students are job-ready upon completion. Plus, with our 100% Job Guarantee, we provide not only education but a clear pathway to a successful career in Piping Engineering. Trust Excel Technical Institute to kickstart your future with the best in technical education and placement support.

100% Placement

Excel Technical Institute ensures that its students are well-equipped to succeed in the job market

Expert Faculties

Courses are taught by experienced professionals who bridging the gap between academia and practical skills.

Hands-On Learning

The institute emphasizes practical training, ensuring that students apply the concepts in real-world scenarios.

Affordable Learning

With affordable course fees and value-packed programs like workshops and seminars, the institute ensures high-quality education is accessible to all.

Flexible Learning Options

Both online and offline courses are available, allowing students to choose a mode of learning that fits their schedule and lifestyle.

Professional Certifications

All programs include industry-recognized certifications, enhancing employability and credibility in the job market.

Placed students Companies Name

Piping Engineering Institute
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